Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Hello all you lovely people,

I don't even know where to begin...this week flew by so so fast. We spent a lot of time looking for investigators and referrals and got a lot of doors shut in our faces but it was still a lot of fun. For some reason all of our referrals either don't have a working phone or we don't have their address so we cant drop by. Yesterday we spent 2 hours knocking every door in an apartment complex looking for a girl named Abigail that is dating a member in our ward. He didn't know her apartment number so he just gave us some directions like "take a right once you hit the brick wall, go down the stairs and you will see a tree...her apartment is the one next to the one with the bush in the front" anyways we didn't want to miss it so it seemed easier knock every one and be safe than sorry....in the end we didn't find her but we met a lot of cool people and even got some referrals for other missionaries.

Training a new missionary has been quite the experience... not so much for her but for me. I mean I hope that she is learning, growing and gaining a stronger testimony of Jesus Christ but every day I am pushed out of my comfort zone and I have noticed that it has cause me to grow a lot more. i have really been focusing on the spiritual promptings that I receive and yesterday we had a really cool experience that Ill share.

We had gotten home it was around 8 o'clock and our appointment had canceled. We were going to have companionship study but all the sudden two names from back in October popped into my head that were given us by other missionaries in our zone. We had previously tried contacting them but they were never home so we just stopped trying to meet with them. I decided last night that we would go find them even though I didn't have an address to their apartment building. In my mind I was thinking that if I started driving Heavenly Father would tell me where to go...it didn't exactly happen like that so we had to call someone for the address and it turns out we were pretty close. I remembered which apartment number was theirs and GUYS THEY WERE HOME!!! Seriously what a tender mercy...4 months have passed since the last time we went by and finally they were there and willing to meet!!! ahh... I was so excited! Hopefully something will come out of it!

I love you so much!!!! 


Sister Nye

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