Tuesday, March 14, 2017

March 7, 2017

Hello all my loves,

It was such a great week and Sister Vasquez and I are working together super well. She has totally come out of her shell. On Friday night our appointment cancelled and it was to late to knock door so she wanted to go to Walmart to talk to people. I love Sister Vasquez... the first thing she did was go to the ice cream isle and ask a random lady about a certain brand. The lady straight up ignored her so she asked again. When the lady ignored her the second time Sister Vasquez just looked at me with the most sad puppy dog face and shuffled her way back to our cart. I give her 10/10 for creativity. She is so willing to talk to everyone and it is her favorite thing to make people smile. Ahh! I love it.

A couple of emotionally hard things happened this week involving members, investigators and less actives. I was taking it all pretty hard and I don't know how to explain how I felt other than my heart just hurt. I wanted to help them all so bad but there was nothing we could do as missionaries so I felt helpless. I am so thankful for the scriptures, prayer and good friends though. Although these feelings didn't go away as soon as I prayed I still felt the comfort I needed to get though it. Also tender mercy when all of this happened I got a letter from Elder Barnard that was totally what I needed. Its been a couple days now and everything has worked out. Heavenly Father has a plan for all of us and even when trials come we can feel comfort in knowing that it is for our benefit.

We were able to go to the temple yesterday and it was perfect. I have missed the temple to much and all the peace it brings. I got the biggest impression while in the session of how little time I have on my mission and how I need to work hard and be diligent every second of each day.A member in our ward bought me the bible videos and I started watching them on Sunday during dinner and I felt so overwhelmed as I watched the final moments of the Saviors life and when he appeared to Mary.  He has done everything for me and I have this time right now to devout everything I have to him and this work. I feel so honored to wear his name every single day and I hope that I can represent his name well. 

I love you all so much! I hope you have a great week!!! 


Sister Nye

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