Monday, June 26, 2017

9 Months!!!

Hi everyone!!! 

this week was so hot! We hit 110 almost every single day except this weekend when it rained which was so cool because as a stake we fasted for rain and it instantly came! There was Thunder and lighting and a complete down pour. Just shows how much Heavenly father loves his children!!

This week was super busy. We headed up to Albuquerque for a meeting with the leadership and even though it was only a day and a half I feel like it took up the entire week. It was really good though. I got to see Sister Hazen, Sister Plitt and Hermana Thompson. 

I don't know why, Heavenly Father must have known I was having a rough couple weeks because I got to hold so many cute animals and just snuggle with them all week. Also yesterday as we left the apartment I told sister Olson I wanted chocolate peanut butter ice cream and at dinner they had it! I freaked out. So I had to take a picture because miracles like that do not happen all the time(Abby you understand).<---- Sister Nye's version of a tender mercy. 

Transfer news came and we are staying here. President switched up our districts so my District is all sisters now except our district leader and his companion. hahaha poor elder is over a whole group of sisters!! 

We are teaching some awesome people right now. Sadly 4 out of the 5 people we had on date needed to come to church to make their date and they didn't come so they aren't on date anymore but that's okay. We just need to keep working hard and not get discouraged. I just want to help these people and I know this would make them so happy but I can't make the step for them. That's the hardest part about being a missionary. 

We have had a lot of training on divine identity the past couple of months and I am so thankful for it. It has helped me teach the people here who they are and how they can gain hope and peace. This is super small but this week we were stopping by someone and they weren't interested in our message so I asked before we left if we could say a prayer with them. They agreed but what was cool to me was how normal that felt. I hit 9 months on my mission this week and it is so cool to look back on how much I have grown as a missionary. I remember at the beginning of my mission when my trainer would ask random people to pray I would feel so uncomfortable but now it comes naturally and its because I know how important it is. I love being there when random people pray. I know they are feeling the spirit even if it is a little uncomfortable for them at first. ahhh... I love this gospel.

I love you all so much!!!


Sister Nye

 Socks the new best friend
Our MLC picture too! Youll find me in the front right sleeping! Love you all!

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