Monday, June 5, 2017


 Hi everyone!

This week was just full of craziness and up's and down's. Sister Olson and I have been working so hard to help our investigators progress but man it is pretty tricky when everyone you teach goes across the border every weekend to Mexico.... Juarez is a black hole and when they go in they never come back. 

I'm trying so hard to think of what happened but my brain is a little fried from the heat! GUYS IT HAS BEEN 100 DEGREES. I was not prepared for this.

Anyways, I talked about David last week and how he was doing awesome, well that changed real quick (David is still awesome just not the situation). He told us this week that he knows everything is true and God told him to be baptized but he told us he is stubborn and no matter what answers he gets he will continue to say no to baptism. My heart broke. The whole tone of the lesson changed and we were speechless. All week we were praying to know what direction to go in with him but we still aren't that sure. He came to church yesterday though so that made me happy.

On the other hand three of our investigators got on date this week for July 1st. The first two are sisters and I love them so much! Jackie and Mia are 11 and 12 and they live in the complex right next to us. Jackie is so sweet and she always talks about how happy the gospel makes her and when we taught her the plan of Salvation she had the biggest smile on her face. Vanessa is 15 and once again just loves this message. I love the youth.... they are way more willing to change and listen to us than anyone else we teach. 

Okay one last story. We were having a real hard day (right after David) and no one was home but at 8:30 we decided to stop by a former named Micheal. The sweetest 60 year old man. we talked to him on his door step for an hour and he told us about his life. His wife passed away 6 years ago and it was so hard for him to into their home because of all the memories that he sold their house and all their furniture and started from scratch. As he was talking about her he started crying. I asked if he had a picture of her and he told me he did but that it was something he kept very close to his heart. As we walked back to our car sister Olson and I just talked about how we hope our future husbands love us that much. He made our day and turned everything around. 

I hope you all have a great week!

I love you all so much!!!!!!

Love Sister Nye 

Shirls sent us American flag sunglasses so we have been rocking them all weekend.

Exchanges with the Transmountain Hermanas this week!

After a lesson last night with our new investigator Tury. (Sister Olson, Brother Torres-ward mission leader, Jeremiah-Brother Torres son, and me)

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