Monday, May 29, 2017

Another Crazy Week...

Dear loved ones,

This week was super busy and crazy but we were able to see so many good things. To start off on Monday we had to drive up to Albuquerque for a meeting with the other STL's and zone leaders. the meeting was on Tuesday and President Guffey trained us on a lot of things and I felt super motivated to back to our zone and work hard. The best part is that I got to see Sister Hazen (trainer), Elder Contreras(first zone leader that I had for 4 transfers) and Hermana Thompson(my last STL). I got so close to all of them and it was so nice to see them even if it was only for a couple of hours. 

On Wednesday night we went to young women's to meet all the girls. It has always been a dream of mine to work with the young women because I know the sisters that served in my home ward made a huge impact on my life and I want to be able to do the same thing here. All of the girls are awesome and I asked if we could teach a lesson on one of the upcoming Sundays and that turned into Sister Olson and I teaching the combined young men and young women's lesson this upcoming Sunday. I'm super excited. I feel like working in the YSA for 8 Months really prepared me to work with the youth.

We met with David a couple times this week and oh boy is he a rascal but we love him so much. He knows the church is true but he likes to mess with us a lot and make things difficult. He was supposed to pray about getting baptized on June 17th and when we got to his lesson we asked if he had prayed and he said he would get baptized but then we we asked again just to make sure we heard him right and he said to ask him in June and then we asked him if he would say yes in June and he said "I'll say yes but ask me in 4 days." I don't know why he has to add an extra step when we already know he is getting baptized but whatever floats Davids boat.

I went on exchanges with Hermana Rinderknecht in her area and we had so much fun. Their area is really hard to find but we were able to find 4 new investigators and each one of them has so much potential. My favorite finding situation was after stopping by an investigator who wasn't home and we were sitting in the car trying to decide where to go next when two girls came walking down the street. I rolled down my window and yelled "Hola!" and their faces were terrified. We got out of the car and started talking to them. They could not stop laughing because they could not believe they were talking to strangers but as soon as we told them about the Book of Mormon and that Jesus Christ came to the Americas they got super quiet and the spirit was so strong. They couldn't explain how they were felt except that it was different from anything they had ever felt before. The Hermanas are going back this week to teach them the Restoration.

I had to give a talk yesterday in church and it was the first time in my life that I was the closing speaker and I was soo nervous but everything went okay and I think I only saw a few people sleeping through my talk. I love 4th ward. It's like 90% older couples and they are all so sweet. Our Bishop set of a "5th Sunday" activity for 3rd hour all on member missionary work and he had all the members sit in groups of 4's and role play. He told us he was trying to have a giant district council without the members knowing that is what he was doing. It went really well and the members has awesome one liners to invited their friends to activities.

Last night we still needed to find 2 more new investigators to reach our weekly goal and we were praying so hard that we would be able to find them. We felt prompted to stop by a former family. The wife started talking to us at the door step and told us she would love to make a return appointment with us and then her husband came out and told us to come in and sit down. To be honest he did not seem like the nicest guy at first and as we were sitting he told us "you wont convince me." for a second I thought he was about to yell at us but then he opened up and told us how he wanted God in his life and he didn't know what to do. We ended up staying for almost an hour and by the end he just kept telling us to never give up on them and to do whatever it takes to make their family happy! We are going back over tonight to teach them again and I can't wait. I know God has a plan and he will lead us to who is ready.

I love you all so much! I hope you all have a great week! 


Sister Nye

Elder Contreras and Hermana Thompson

David after his lesson



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