Monday, November 14, 2016

November 14, 2016

Hello Everyone!! Obviously it was another great week here!

On Monday night we had a conference call with our entire mission and President Guffey has a few missionaries tell miracle stories from the week before! One Elder told a story of tracting a neighborhood when a man came up to him and his companion and said he wanted the elders to teach him and his family. I was laying in my bed wrapped up in blankets all pathetic and told Sister Hazen that I wanted that to happen to me! That night I said a prayer that I would be able to see a miracle like that on my mission. Well the next day we were at the UTEP Institute building waiting to meet with our investigator Siah right when a class was getting out. I was standing in the hallway while Sister Hazen chatted with the Institute director. A guy walked out of the class room and came right up to me and told me he wanted to start taking the discussions as soon as possible. I wish you all could have seen me! I was scrambling to find my planner and I couldn't thinks of the works to say because I was so shocked. Long story short his name is Alex and he had been taking classes at the Institute and the Lord was preparing him. I just happened to be there at the right time. Our first lesson with him is tomorrow and I will fill you in on how that goes next week!

Last Sunday night our investigator Brenda got a priesthood blessing because she had a huge test in medical school coming up that she could not fail. On Tuesday morning, the day of the test Sister Hazen and I just prayed and prayed that she would pass. We got a text from Brenda saying she passed and I just started crying because I am a mess but also because I was so happy for her! The best part was that she knew the blessing helped her and she was able to get a testimony of priesthood power!

On Wednesday we do service at the Food Pantry here and we work with the same old guys every week. Two weeks ago Sister Hazen was telling Sam how much she loves Nutella and peanut butter so last week he went out and bought some for her. He came up to us and grabbed the jar out of his front jean pocket. He handed it to her and the other old guy named Neil went and grabbed some pretzels for us to start eating it. We stood in the back where the food is organized just eating straight out of the jar. When we had to get back to work we didn't have a place to put it so Sam took it and put it back in his pocket. Probably 30 minutes later Sam walked up to us and told us he had to go to the bathroom and it didn't seem appropriate to bring the Nutella with him. I don't know if you guys can picture this but it was one of the funniest things that I have ever seen. He handed the jar back to us and we just laughed at how awkward it was.

Saturday morning we went tracting in a cute neighborhood on the mountain. The last door we knocked was a little old lady. I told her we were missionaries and we shared a message of Jesus Christ and she told us she wasn't interested in Jesus Christ and started to slam the door. Then you could hear quiet laughter from inside the house. She opened the door again with the biggest smile on her face and said "Just kidding! I am a member!" She invited us in and had us sit down. Her name is Anna and she is 93 years old. She lives alone in El Paso but is still kickin. We talked to her for an hour and learned her life story. She Knits the coolest book covers and when she saw me staring at her books she told me she would make me one for my Book of Mormon. We had a dinner appointment so we had to leave but Anna invited us over this Saturday for lunch. She hates cooking so she is having us pick up a burger and fries for her haha what a lady. She lifted my spirit so much and now I just can't wait to see her again. 

This Saturday we have two baptisms and guys I am so excited!! Yesterday I was sitting next to Hilda in Church and when the bishop announced her baptism she put her head between in knees and said "whelp there is no turning back now!" I couldn't stop laughing which was hard because I am really working on my reverence in church. 
Brenda and Hilda are so prepared and I cannot wait to see the blessings they receive after baptism. 

I love you all!

I hope some of this made sense!


Sister Nye

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