Monday, November 28, 2016

Hi everyone!

I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving with family, friends and lots of good food! This year I got to celebrate with three families. I ate so much food I literally thought I was going to die. Our first dinner was with the senior missionaries AKA my family away from home. They serve in the UTEP Institute building which is our home base so we see them a lot. The next dinner was at the Bishops and even though I felt sick I ate everything and hated myself(just kidding). Our last dinner was with one of the members of our ward named Sage. At this point I really couldn't move but I'm not a quitter everyone so I ate dinner like a champion and wanted to throw up. I haven't weighed myself but I'm pretty sure I gained 20+ pounds this week alone. Sister Hazen and I made a promise that we would eat healthy this transfer so as a final hurrah last night I made a box of stuffing at 9 PM and ate it all in one sitting by myself. haha.

So since I am on the topic of food I'll tell you guys about the weird stuff people eat in El Paso. 
1. Hot Cheetos and Cheese. They go to 7/11, buy a bag of hot Cheetos, open it and walk over to the nacho cheese and pour into the bag as much as they want. haha it's actually really good. I recommend everyone tries it!
2. Chiccos tacos. This one you can probably look up. It was on food Network.  So imagine cheap taquitos laying in watery tomato paste, covered in a lot of cheese that doesn't melt because it isn't real. It was so gross, but they love it here. I'll attach a picture!

This week we stopped by Anna just to chat and she had our book covers done!! Last week we stopped by and she had spent 10 hours a day working on them but had messed up so she had to start all over. She told us she just cried as she was taking them apart and we felt so bad. The covers are amazing though and you can just tell they were made with 100% love. 
So Anna is really good at getting us to do service without directly asking for it...kinda like a guilt trip, but it is super funny so we love it. She says things like "babies I need to vacuum but I am so tired from making your book covers." and the vacuum will be perfectly placed in the middle of the living room or this week as she was hugging us goodbye she said "oh no.. my plants are so thirsty and I am to tired to water them because I was working so hard on your book covers." shes to cute. haha.
This week was a little slower because of thanksgiving but we still saw incredible things happen! We started teaching a guy named Killian last Sunday. He had been coming to church on his own and told us he was ready to meet with us. In the past week we have already taught him four times and he is awesome at keeping commitments and reading the chapters we give him. On Tuesday we went to the institute at noon and he was there studying out of pamphlets, true to the faith and the Book of Mormon. Elder and Sister Anderson told us he had gotten to the institute at 8 am and he didn't leave until 2:30. Yesterday we put him on date for baptism on January 6th and we are so excited for him. He is soaking everything in and truly building his relationship with God!

We got transfers calls and WE ARE BOTH STAYING IN EL PASO YSA! I am so excited to continue serving here. Amazing things are happening and I cannot believe the Lord is letting me serve down here. 

I hope this Christmas season you can invite others to come unto Christ because he is the greatest gift you can give.

I love you all!

Sister Nye

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