Monday, November 7, 2016

Hi everyone!

This week we had exchanges and I was sent to Montana Vista with Hermana Bosch. I don't speak any Spanish so I was exhausted at the end of the day. I remember sitting in one of the lessons focusing so hard on the Spanish really trying to understand what they were talking about but then I remembered that's not how languages work and I wouldn't be able to receive the gift of tongues that fast. In our second lesson that day Hermana Bosch was teaching the investigator about the restoration and book of Mormon. I'm not going to lie I was struggling to stay awake. We had already been there for 30 minutes and I couldn't add any input. At one point Hermana Bosch and the investigator kept saying "la biblia" and "el libro de mormon". I had no idea what the context was but I felt prompted to tell Hermana Bosch to share 2 Nephi 29:8. Hermana Bosch read the scripture in Spanish and the investigator went silent. I guess it answered the investigators question. 2 Nephi 29 talks about the Book of Mormon and Bible and how they work together. Verse 8 specifically asks why people would murmur because they received more of Gods word and how the Book of Mormon acts as another testament of Jesus Christ. I can't say what happened next just because I didn't understand any of it but the spirit was strong and we were asked to come back later which is always good. 

Back in my area Sister Hazen and I have been working really hard to keep our investigators in track to baptism. Our Investigator H fasted last Sunday for a baptismal date and she received November 19th as the day to get baptized. Yesterday she announced it to the ward and bore her testimony and it was amazing. She has already planned her baptism and who is going to baptize her. I have been blessed to work with the most spiritually ready people. 

My favorite lessons this week have been with E. He has already been taught everything so we started reading the Book of Mormon with him from the title page. Its so funny to watch his reaction to the story and his commentary is priceless. E is on probation and can't get baptized until he has finished his service ours but he doesn't let is discourage him. He started paying tithing and attends all of the church activities plus meets with us 3 times a week. This church has changed his life in so many ways and he strengthens my testimony every time we meet.

Here is my weird story for the week. We were out contacting on Friday and a older man came up to us and scared away the person we were talking to. He then continued to talk to us for the next 30 minutes about his church and how he is the living water. I felt so uncomfortable and he tricked us into saying some prayer and then told us we were saved because of him. He would ask us trick questions and if one of us answered wrong he would go onnnnnnnn about how we need to study Psalms. Most of the stuff he said was jibbersish and I walked away feeling drained and upset about the whole thing. Last night we saw some Elders at the church and they asked if we were Sister Nye and Sister Hazen. They then told us that they had met a man on a bus that told them about us and that he tried to make them do the same prayer but when they didn't the man looked into their eyes and told them they were of the devil (looking back I would have preferred that). Seriously learned so much from that man, I learned exactly what not to do as a missionary and representative of Jesus Christ. 

This email is super lame but I don't have a lot of time. 

I love you all!


Sister Nye

Our investigator (M, far left) dressed up as an elder with his friend E who is our ward mission leader on Halloween and gave out Books of Mormon all day!

The senior missionaries drove us to a baptism and they stopped to show us this Jewish temple close to where we live.

The coolest house that actually has trees in El Paso

Last P-day we got pedicures!

This is inside of someones house where we had breakfast this morning. Its so legit

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