Monday, April 24, 2017

Hello loves! 

We had the best/busiest week and it was awesome! Hermana Thompson came to YSA for exchanges and it was so much fun. We stopped by as many formers (former investigators) as we could between lessons and either we would  teach them or find people on the way. My favorite one we stopped by was someone we have tried by like 5 or more times just because of how close it is to our other investigators and when we knocked her mom didn't answer but in a very upset tone said "She is not here. GO AWAY" yikessss. I can't lie though it was really funny. Or another time this week we were stopping by a different former and she wasn't home but her aunt and uncle were sitting on their porch and invited us to sit with them. They were the nicest couple ever and they offered us icecream cake and sprite and just talked to us for around an hour. haha. We were able to give them a little lesson and Book of Mormon. As I was sitting there with them I had one of those moments of whoa I would never have had this experience if I didn't come on my mission. 

Another miracle this week was when we were teaching this former named Josie. We were teaching the restoration and her little sister came out and wanted to learn too. Everything was going super well and I never do this but I felt super prompted in that second to invite both of them to be baptized on May 13th and they said yes! They came to church yesterday and Josie looked to happy. She had been struggling to know where she belonged and she told us that she felt super loved by all the members. :)

Another one of our investigators named Amber is on date for May 6th! She is so prepared and has become one of my best friends. Ahh I just love her so much!

Yesterday after sacrament I was talking to my recent converts Killian and Sahlma and the people they are dating from the ward with Amber(investigator) and her boyfriend and I loved every second of it. Im a missionary match maker ;) It's the best job in the entire world!

I hope everyone had the best week ever! It is officially summer here and it just gets hotter and hotter every week. I cannot even describe how different it is than Washington. It's like a whole other planet. 

I love you all with all of my heart!


Sister Nye

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