Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Happy Pioneer Day!

Happy Pioneer Day! No one knows what that is down here! haha. It blows Sister Olson's mind since she is from Utah where Pioneer Day is the biggest holiday! Yesterday there were some pretty amazing talks given on the pioneers and they made me so grateful for their sacrifice. Those early saints were amazing. I cannot comprehend all the trials they went through to make Zion but they gave their all for this gospel and it motivates me to work harder everyday!

This week was insane. Two of my sisters went home this week for health reasons and it was hard. I miss them so much but I have already heard from both of them and they are doing really good so that makes me feel a lot better. I serve around the most amazing missionaries and they are so inspiring. The companions they left are now together and are ready to kill it. 

We got a referral from the Hermanas for a guy named Mark who walked up to them at their mailbox and wanted to learn more about the church. We went by his apartment and holy molly he is so prepared. I guess his boss is LDS and Mark really likes the way he lives so he got interested in what we believe. He asked for a Book of Mormon and a website where he could learn more before our next visit. It just really showed me that there are people out there that are ready to receive this message and just like we are lead to them, they are also led to us. 

This weekend was probably one of the best of my mission! We spent a ton of time with JJ and her family and THEY CAME TO CHURCH FOR THE FIRST TIME YESTERDAY! It was the best Sunday ever. The ward did such a good job fellow shipping them and the boys loved primary. On Saturday AJ(the 6 year old) had a loose tooth and I tried all night to convince him to pull it out but he was to scared but then yesterday in sacrament meeting he got it out. I'm calling that a miracle! He was so excited. The member behind us told them this would be the most memorable sacrament meetings of their lives. JJ was also super involved and participated in every class! The ward was super impressed by her. The boys walked out of primary with their green CTR rings and all I could think about was how much the gospel has and will bless their family! I will be there when they all get sealed in the temple!!!

I love you all so much!!! I hope you have a great week!


Sister Nye

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