Monday, July 31, 2017



This week was full of service which is always a nice little change from walking around trying to find people. We were able to help clean out a couple garages and storage units. It was super dusty and super hot but a lot of fun. Plus I needed the arm workout. win win.

On Tuesday we had zone conference. We gave a quick training on preparing people for their baptismal service...specifically the fact that they will be going all the way under water. I guess my mission president had an experience back home where he was walking to the font with someone he was going to baptize and the girl had no idea she would be going in water and apparently she had a huge fear of water so it didn't end to well. It was a funny little training. Lots of the missionaries down in El Paso are going home next week so everyone is getting super antsy for transfer new. The 17 trainers have already been called (Sister Hazen and Sister Vasquez are training) and my Zone leader Elder Duncan got called up to ABQ to be an assistant to the president. I personally think Sister Olson could stay with me for a third transfer but we shall see what happens.

JJ's family is doing awesome. We had family home evening with them on Monday and we watched the Restoration. The boys always ask really good questions and have gotten into the habit of praying every night! Her husband Alan still isn't meeting with us yet but he came to our stakes pioneer celebration and really enjoyed it so we are just waiting for him to want to learn. Yesterday JJ and the boys came to church and holy molly it was a good meeting! JJ kept nodding her head to everything the speakers were saying. The young men's president spoke on faith and how instead of asking Heavenly Father to bring the investigators and less actives to church that we need to be praying for the strength and desire to go visit them and bring them with us. He said Heavenly Father doesn't just sprinkle fairy dust on the less actives that makes them come but we need to put our faith to action and do all we can to get them there.

After church JJ texted us and told us that she had talked to her neighbor about the Mormons and later that night she told us that she started teaching Alan and his friend. She said she was feeling super pumped and wanted to get baptized even soon!!

Sister Olson and I taught the young women on the important of keeping temple covenants. We started out by talking about the plan of salvation and how important the doctrine of Christ is to us and those that have passed on. As we talked to them about their ancestors that are waiting for their work to be done and I was getting super excited for this weekend. Sister Olson and I get to go up to Albuquerque to do proxy baptism with the youth and some recent converts. I have missed the temple so much and I cannot wait to go back!!

Well I love you all so much!!!! I hope you all have a great week! You're all in my prayers!!


Sister Nye

 ​JJ looking like a model at church and Jazon eating a cake pop I made the day before;)

classic Sister Nye and cat picture

Zone Conference with sister Olson

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