Wednesday, January 17, 2018

January 15, 2018

Hello Everyone!!

This week was a good/weird one. That probably gets so old to read but I swear every week on my mission has been good and weird. 
Any who....

I got sick last Sunday with a cold and the then got a migraine on Wednesday which was the WORST! The headache got really bad when we were at the home of a Hispanic sister who only speaks Spanish. I was trying to understand bits and pieces of what she was saying but my brain felt fried. I probably looked so out of it. Sister Peterson had to drive home for me and when I hit the pillow I crashed for two hours. I woke up feeling a ton better but still not ready for full blown missionary work so we went to the church to help set up for the young women's new beginnings. The whole week was a bunch of service which was really nice. One night we just stopped by a single mom in our ward and cleaned her house for two hours. I love doing that kind of stuff.... maybe that's why I received personal revelation on Saturday during studies to call our ward mission leaders wife and make home made cookies withe her for less active members.  We made 120+ chocolate chip cookies and spent the day giving them out. It was the best!

Our YSA branch turned into a ward yesterday and it was awesome! We had like triple the attendance and the new bishopric looks sweet!

We got some bad news from one of our members Brother B this week who is like the fake adopted grandma of our two 9 year old investigators. The girls dad did not approve them getting baptized. All of us were really sad. They still have permission to come to church and meet with us though so they will get baptized one day. We have not lost hope!!

Some other random news: I talked to my mission president this morning and I got called to train for my last transfer! I was not expecting that at all. I'm really excited to train again though. I think this will keep me super focused and busy! I pray that she will learn the things she needs to from me.... hahah....oh boy. I will really miss sister Peterson though. She has been such a breath of fresh air and we had a lot of fun together. There is still a chance she could be in a trio with me(fingers crossed)

I love you all so much!

Sister Nye

please send any uplifting and helpful tips for the end of a mission. 

I have been praying a lot to learn everything that Heavenly Father wants me to learn while I am out here. Satan is really good at making all of us feel inadequate (a theme of my mission) and down. I have learned that my biggest defense against Satan is knowing my identity. Sometimes I wake up and just don't want to go out but as soon as I pray and ask for desire or help I am filled will Gods love and remember why I am here and what I am doing this for. I am grateful for the gospel and its ability to change lives. I know this was Heavenly Fathers plan and although Satan wants us to believe that we are failures, our Heavenly Father knows that we are all champions and we will succeed. All of us have the ability to change and become the person Gods knows we can be thanks to our Savior. 

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