Monday, January 9, 2017

Hello all my loved ones,

This week has been soooooo bitter sweet. I'll start with the Sweet!

We had two baptism this week and they were so powerful. Buddy shared his testimony at the end of his and the spirit was so strong. I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. We taught him all the lessons in 2 weeks and he just got it. Everything clicked to him and it was such a testimony to me that everyone knows these things they just need to be reminded and have a heart soft enough to listen.

At Church they got confirmed as members and received the Holy Ghost. At first Killian wasn't there so we had to proceed with the sacrament and testimony meeting. After the sacrament was passed Sis Hazen and I went outside and called Killian who had been sleeping and didn't set an alarm. He rushed over really quick and before the closing prayer was confirmed. Thank Heavens!

Our investigator Sahlma told us at church that she received her answer and she wants to be baptized on 21st! WOOHOO! Also she wants to go on a mission next year and guys I am so happy for her. She is so ready and when she told her parents they told her it was her choice and they would support her in whatever she does. Prayers have been answered!!!

So here is the bitter.... my wonderful, amazing, and beautiful companion Sister Hazen is being transferred up to Santa Fe to be a sister training leader. I have been crying all weekend ever since we got the call but I am so excited for her. She is the best missionary and she is going to bring so many souls to Christ in that hipster town. I got to be blessed to be trained by her. ahh..... It just doesn't even seem real. 

My new companion is awesome though. Her name is Sister Plitt and she is companions with my MTC companion. They have both been in my district since I got here so I have worked with her a lot. It will be super different but Sis Plitt is going to make be a better missionary and I can't wait to learn and grow even more.

I love you all! I miss you like crazy and I really miss Jimmy Fallon but the mission is so worth it and I wouldn't trade it for anything!


Sister Nye

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