Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Hello all you lovely people that I miss so much!

This week was a struggle but so great in the end! I got my new companion on Tuesday and right away we went to work. Our area is huge and overwhelming but with a lot of prayer Sister Plitt and I got the hang of it together and started seeing a lot of miracles. 

The first night we went through our new ward list and organized everyone into colored areas. Only 40 of 170 members are in our area which means we can only go visit 40 people! We are working super closely to our ward missionaries to make sure all of those members get visited.

We had to do a lot of finding this week which meant A LOT of knocking. El Paso doesn't have a specific area where the college kids live but some how almost all the doors we knocked on had a YSA at home. My entire time in this area nothing like that has ever happened. I know Heavenly Father was answering our prayers.  

On Friday we met President Guffey to talk about our YSA ward. We are going to be introducing some awesome tools into this work that I am so excited about. The first one involves us getting onto the UTEP campus. Right now we aren't allowed but we will be starting a club and a class to teach family history. I don't even know how to do family history but luckily President thinks these things through so Sister Plitt and I will begin taking family history training for the next 6 weeks. Hopefully we will begin the UTEP classes next transfer.

We have Sahlma's baptism this Saturday. She is so prepared and ready. She chose Called to Serve as her closing hymn because she wants to serve a mission in a year. I look up to her so much. 

Last night we got to go to FHE at the ice skating rink. We didn't get to skate but we got to watch a lot of people fall so it was worth it. So many members brought their friends and we met a lot of great potentials. I feel so blessed to be in YSA ward. This ward is so involved in missionary work. 

Elder Pearson came to our mission a couple weeks ago and explained this rule to us. Everyone is on a scale of 1-7. A 1 is someone who slams the door in our face or your friends that you think will never be religious. A 7 is someone that is ready to be baptized. Rarely do people jump from 1's to 7's over night. They have to progress. 1's become 2's and 2's will become 3's. 
When missionaries come to your home and ask you for friends or acquaintances you can share the gospel with they aren't looking for 7's. We are inviting you to share the gospel in simple ways by being an example to those 1's and 2's so they can feel the light of Christ and recognize it for when they feel it again. Everyone knows this gospel...they have just forgotten it. It is our job as members of this church to remind them.

I am so thankful for this Gospel. I know Jesus Christ lives and he loves every single one us of. 

I love you all.

Love Sister Nye

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