Monday, January 23, 2017

Hello all you lovely people,

Another wonderful and psycho week in El Paso. haha. I honestly still can't believe I am here some days. We had a wind storm Saturday and we had to drive around like 10 trash cans that were in the middle of the street. Side note : flowy skirts are not good in wind.

We had Sahlma's baptism on the 21st and her conformation at church the next day! It was my favorite Sunday so far. Sahlma got confirmed and then welcomed into the ward and then Buddy and Killian both got sustained to get the Aaronic Priesthood. I had tears and my eyes the whole time and it was such a special moment. I love them so much and to see them standing in front of the congregation with big smiles on their faces made my whole mission worth it.

We started teaching two guys names Jeffrey and Tony this week. They refuse to call it lessons and instead call it bible study. Both of them are well versed in the bible and like to quote it all the time. I get really frustrated because Tony will say a bible verse like he is trying to prove us wrong and it always just ends with us saying "We agree...we also believe in the bible." over and over. I honestly thinks it shocks them that we believe it too and they can't wrap their heads around it. Ahhh...anyways rant over.

Our members are working super hard to get us referrals and it is paying off. If all goes well we should have 4 new solid investigators! I just wanted to add that all the people I have taught that get baptized are referrals from members. When they have that support from friends they progress a lot faster.

So many amazing things are happening here and I know I am where I need to be. El Paso is called Zion in our mission and it is so true. There are so many people being prepared here and I just get to help them find the way.

I hope everyone has an amazing week. I love you all so much and I miss you like crazy!

I love you!

Love Sister Nye

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