Monday, May 8, 2017


Hello everyone that I love,

Well another week of things not going my way...haha ha ha ahhhhh. Once again Id rather not focus on it. To sum up the bad stuff we just had a lot of investigators going through trials and problems that are making it hard for them to progress. 

So Nelly gets baptized on Friday!! We are so excited and she is honestly the most adorable person I have ever met. She cannot wait. She is in the military and they just gave her unit a new rule where they always have to have a "battle buddy". They have to be with someone 24/7 and cant leave the barracks without a companion...sounds like a mission. Anyways that was making it a little difficult to leave because no one wanted to come to church with her or the lessons. She might have sneaked out, but I'm not saying anything ;)

Okay so I have to talk about our weekend because I cannot even put into words how happy this story makes me.

It was about 9 pm and we had just tried by a referral but the person was getting ready to leave so we couldn't meet so we decided to walk around the apartment complex to this other guy smoking on his porch. We asked him if he needed any service done and that led into the most awesome conversation of my whole mission(not very spiritual but awesome). I told him we were missionaries and he asked where our church was because he wanted to go. We told him what the cross streets were and he told us he would ride is mobility chair there. I tried to give him a Book of Mormon but he refused because he wanted to pay for it and I told him it was free. He then said he would just buy one from the Bishop the next day at church. ----Fast forward a few minutes later when he is trying to give me a mosquito repellent thing and I refused to take it and he said "Don't deny me this service." and I told him "You denied my Book of Mormon." so he grabbed the book from my hand and gave me the repellent. Then he goes inside and grabs us more batteries for the repellent thing and takes out his wallet. In my mind I was thinking "oh no...". He takes out $20 and shoves it into my hand. At this point I am reaching as far over his porch fence to give it back to him but he says "Your hand is about to get slapped!" so I backed away. Long story short we walked away $20 bucks richer and best part of the story HE WENT TO CHURCH! hahaha. He gave the bishop and $80 donation even though the Bishop insisted that he did not need to. The guys name is Paco. He is 71 years old from Brooklyn. This all probably made zero sense but hopefully you get the gist. Now he wants to be baptized and we are going over tonight with another set of missionaries to pass him off.

Ahh I love the mission. 

This might be my last week in YSA... we will see. Maybe I will serve one more transfer here and hit halfway. That would be crazy.

I hope all is going well! I love you all so much!

Sister Nye

Brother and Sister Anderson!

1 comment:

  1. Elder Pinkston was asking if you could reply to his email. I told him you had this blog but he cant access blogs. please write to him. Thanks
